Mayfair Road
The part of Kew Gardens which lies south of Metropolitan Avenue along Forest Park was the
last section of the community to be developed. It was considered the most desirable precisely because it did border on Forest Park - a far cry from the
cornfield that used to be there.This view shows Mayfair Road looking east past Park Lane South.In 1930, Park Lane South was just called
Park Lane. The
Windsor Court Apartments can be seen in the distance on
Audley (116th) Street.
Kudos from the Kew Gardens Civic Ass'n
"No matter where Queensites eventually find themselves as they settle down and raise families, their years in Kew Gardens are remembered with unabashed love and affection.
A very special website, has developed a following of former residents who delight in reminiscing about their early days in the neighborhood, a neighborhood that many people remember with such nostalgia that it generates envy in those not fortunate to have lived here. Former Kew Gardens residents who are scattered around the world have found old school friends and neighbors and, according to accounts told on this website, most of their relationships began as students at P.S. 99. There are large full-scale reunions being planned and those that have already taken place. Old school buddies have met for dinner, had luncheon dates and are now corresponding by email with long lost friends."
[Excerpted from The Kew Gardens Civic Association Newsletter, p. 7 (April/May 2004).]
If you have pictures of yourself showing any Kew Gardens locale in the background, email me high resolution jpegs and I will post them here as space permits.
To download a copy of the
Queens Courier's Sept. 2003 article about Old Kew, click on one of the following links. Turn off your browser's auto-resize if the JPEG text appears too small to read.
JPEG - 240kb]
PDF - Hi Resolution, 379kb]
PDF - Low Resolution, 97kb
Click on thumbnails to enlarge.
Editor's Note: The thumbnails above show the stores at the southwest corner of Metropolitan Avenue and 118th Street about a week prior to their demolition, and that same corner with the buildings razed.\
May 27, 2004
I was saddened to read of John Mountain's death. I grew wup in the Kew Brevoort apartments as did John. I had recently requested an email be forwarded to him so I could get back in touch after all these years.
Bad timing. Does anyone know where John lived and if there is a newspaper obituary about him?
Paul Waldeck
[To contact Paul Waldeck, click here.]
[Editor's Note: I've been told that condolences can be sent to John's sister, Ms. Elaine Mountain at 135-20 116th St., South Ozone Park, NY 11420-3619.]
May 25, 2004
I was looking for anybody out there living in South Florida, who lived in Kew Gardens in the 60's, 70's, 80's. Living in Kew Gardens was the greatest place to be if you were a kid. This is a GREAT site Thank you
May 25, 2004
For those of you still in the Queens area, now is the time for us to have our voice heard! On June 2nd at 3 pm on the steps of Queens Boro Hall, 120-55 Queens Blvd, in Kew Gardens, every civic, historical group, irate homeowners and lovers of the boro of Queens will band together to protest the deplorable destruction that is happening to all our beautiful unique neighborhoods. This is to protest the destruction of homes, the cementing in of lawns, the illegal conversions, the nonexistant Department of Buildings, the lack of Historical landmarks in Queens, and the overall "exclusion" of us when it comes to anything. WE ALL have to stand together on the steps and show were are a large group and we are fed up!!!! Mayor Bloomberg imposed a moratorium on building in Staten Island. We need that here!!!! Land is getting scarce and we are all seeing these horrible multi brick boxes go up and take more of our "garden and community feel" away. The developers have carte blache when it comes to what they can put up in our neighborhoods. We are being overwhelmed with extra cars, garbage and overcrowded schools. Enough is enough! Please, please show your not sit on your couch and complain of these bad things that are happening and wait for someone else to do something. Be there that day and we can all make a difference. Please bring your children. It is their future we need to worry about! Bring posters (without sticks) that convey your feelings and what neighborhood you are from. WE NEED YOU! Don't let us down.....this is the most important event to be at to show your support. We need to make people stand up and notice us.
nancy cataldi
[Editor's Note: Nancy Cataldi is president of the Richmond Hill Historical Society. I intend to be there and hope to see a lot of my neighbors there as well.]
Rodney Dangerfield visited Kew Gardens today
May 24, 2004
Editor's Note: The following is a first hand account:
May 24, 2004
It is with deep regret that I report the passing of John C. Mountain On may 22, 2004.
John was a member of the P.S.99 Class of 1946 to the best of my knowledge and a recent and avid follower of this site. He was born on Mar. 26, 1933 and lived for many years in the building on the NW corner of Metro. and Brevoort.
I had the pleasure of spending many hour in conversation with him on subjects relating to K.G.
He was a good and true freind for many years.
May he rest in peace.
Jules Garfunkel
[To contact Jules Garfunkel, click here.]
[Editor's Note: I got to meet John Mountain through this site and had the pleasure of speaking with him on 2 occasions. He was warm and personable as well as being an absolute gentleman. Although I never knew him that well, I feel like I've lost a good friend.]
Click on thumbnail to view a slideshow
May 24, 2004
May 22, 2004
Click on thumbnails to enlarge.
Pete Simpson
[To contact Pete Simpson, click here.]
May 21, 2004
This web site and its pictures bring back a lot of good memories from when I lived on Cuthbert between summer of 99 to summer 01. When I move back to New York, which someday it will happen again, I will only live in Kew Gardens. Thank you for posting this site and making my day:)
May 20, 2004
Paul Silva
[To contact Paul Silva, click here.]
Latest Community News
May 20, 2004
[Editor's Note: The current edition of the local Queens Chronicle newspaper carries 2 stories of interest to Kew Gardens.
First, construction of the new apartment building on the southwesterly corner of Metropolitan Avenue at 118th Street has been stopped by the City - but not before the old Salty Dog building and stores (including what used to be the old Wonderland) had been demolished. You can read about it (and see a photograph of the construction site) by CLICKING HERE.
Second, local community leaders are bringing pressure to bear on the Long Island Railroad to repair and renovate the Kew Gardens stationhouse which has not been well maintained. You can read about this story by CLICKING HERE.]
May 14, 2004
This site brings back lots of happy memories. I lived in Kew Garden Hills through '53. Was in Boy Scout Troop 39 in Kew Gardens. Graduated FHHS in '55 then off to U of Alabama and 25 years in the US Army. After an 18 year stay in Honolulu we moved to a new home in Port Ludlow WA on the beautiful Olympic Peninsula. I've lived pretty much all over the world and I am convinced that the Northwestern part of the US is the best of places to live (except Kew Gardens of course).
Joel Maimon
May 14, 2004
[Editor's Note: I didn't know that comedian, Andy Kaufman, was born in Kew Gardens, but that's what this article from today's says.]
May 13, 2004
May 13, 2004
In reading the many interesting remembrances I find many teachers named. Many of these teachers lived in KG or RH. I am sure they must have died by now. Miss Kieffer , who taught math at RHHS, lived on Metro Ave between 123 and 124 Street. She told us that when they first movedin to the house, Metro was unpaved and they were treated like country rubes by those who lived below Jamaica Ave. Mrs Hernadez/history RHHS, lived on the ground floor of the Kew Brevoort on Metro. Mr Ellenport, 6th grade teacher 99, lived in the Buckingham on Lefferts. Mrs Ohare, history RHHS lived in the apartment house on Park Lane South at Myrtle Ave. Miss Hickey,Spanish teacher RHHS , lived in the area and always bought her fruit and vegatables at JOe Basso's on Metro and 123rd. The home next to Joe's home was originally owned by the Reinharts. M/M Reinhart were pillars of the community. If repairs were needed on his home Mr R always used local workers but insisted the work done be perfect. They had a garage, but kept their 2 cars in a commercial garage down the street and when they needed one just called and had it delivered. Growing up in the neighborhood I encountered them often. They shopped at Bernie's/he delivivered papers and sundries to them/, also at Basso's. When Mr R died /his wife had preceeded him/ there was a well attended funeral held at Cooks on Metro ave. Later, the executor of the estate called me and said Mr Reinhart's will had stipulated that I was to be given first opportunity to buy their home. Unfortunately I did not avail myself of their offer and the house went to an heir in Chicago, and sold by him. And so it was in KG
John Mountain
[To contact John Mountain, click here.]
May 12, 2004
Thank you for this wonderful site. I live in the area near Forest Park and am constantly finding out new things.
R. Santalesa
May 12, 2004
Dear Editor,
I recognize the place and some of the people in the photographs (Guestbook, April 25th) you asked about. The place is the large meeting room of Temple Isaiah, the site of religious services, dances, meetings of all kinds, and as the photos show, an annual sedar. The boys in photo #2 my older brother, Peter Ehrenhaft, then about 14 years old, and his pal Richard Weinman. Peter also appears in the first photo at the extreme left.
The boy showing his tongue in the third photo is yours truly, George Ehrenhaft, then almost 10 years old, celebrating the passover in a unique way. Seated next to him is Teddy Morgenbesser. I'm also in the fourth photo, peering over others' heads.
In case anyone may be interested, Peter is still an active attorney in Washington, D.C., specializing in international trade. I am a retired high-school English teacher residing in Katonah, NY,
All good wishes,
George Ehrenhaft
[To contact George Ehrenhaft, click here.]
May 9, 2004
Click on thumbnail to enlarge.
May 7, 2004
Karla Rivera
Queens Borough Hall
May 6, 2004
[Editor's Note: Local historian, Ron Marzlock, has a story in the current edition of the Queens Chronicle about the 1940 opening of Queens Borough Hall on Queens Boulevard at Union Turnpike. You can read the story by CLICKING HERE]
May 3, 2004
Just seeing John Cuneo's photo's of the metal swing in "Ole" Kew Gardens was enough to make my eyes swell up with tears. Where other than NY would you have a swing made with a metal backing so if some poor child was standing behind the swing...bam! How many of you were hit by that swing?
David Silfen
May 1, 2004
And, while we're on the subject of The Schuler's, I went to P.S. 90 with Penny, and a few years ago she ran into my brother, Bruce, who has been living in the L.A. area (San Fernando Valley, specifically) since 1979. Yes, it's a VERY small world! Hey, Penny, if you're out there, drop me a line! I'd love to hear from you.
Rob Freundlich
[To contact Rob Freundlich, click here.]
May 1, 2004
I've lived in Kew Gardens since 1958. Both of my children were born here and both attended P.S.99 in their early years. This was an ideal place for them to grow up in since it has ethnic diversity, age diversity, good transportation, etc.
Aaron Adler
May 1, 2004
Click on images to enlarge.
Here are some snapshots of the Forest Park "Kiddie Playground" before renovation and without the rubber floor padding later added in the 70's.
John Cuneo
[To contact John Cuneo, click here.]
May 1, 2004
Click on thumbnails to enlarge.
Larry Gross
May 1, 2004
Ed.'s Note: The reason each guest book posting does not appear here immediately is that I review each message individually before posting to eliminate spam or unwanted adult content. Email me if you want to make a correction to a message you have already posted or if you would like a message removed.
How to contact Guestbook signers
Some Guestbook signers choose not to publish their email addresses. If you wish to contact one of them, send me an email identifying the guestbook signer you wish to contact and giving me the date his or her message was posted. Your email to me must contain your full name, and may also include anything else you wish to tell the signer. I will forward your email to the Guestbook signer you wish to contact, but with no cc or bcc to you. It will be the signer's decision whether or not to make contact with you. Any emails which contain spam, adult content, or appear suspect for any other reason will not be forwarded. ~The Editor.