Audley Street off Grenfell Street
If you have pictures of yourself showing any Kew Gardens locale in the background, email me high resolution jpegs and I will post them here as space permits.
To download a copy of the
Queens Courier's Sept. 2003 article about Old Kew, click on one of the following links. Turn off your browser's auto-resize if the JPEG text appears too small to read.
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I lived in Kew Gardens from 1947 till 1965 in the Hampton House at 82nd Road & Queens Blvd. I graduated PS99 as the boy least likely to read a book in 1954. My 2nd home was the PS99 schoolyard. I am in touch with many of my friends from my youth and if you remember me or just want to chat KG please email me. Joe is a good friend and has my everlasting gratitude for an incredibly fantastic job building "our" home all over again.
Lenny Schneir
November 25, 2002
What a great site! I grew up in Kew Gardens from 1964-1989. My Great Uncle Meyer owned Meyer's candy shoppe. My grandparents, Nathan and Dorothy Girsky lived there for years in the Mowbray, and Grandpa's sisters and brother in laws all stayed in Kew Gardens too. It was a great place to grow up. I love looking at the old pictures.
November 17, 2002
I grew up at 115-11 Grosvenor Rd. Great to look through the historical photos. I loved growing up adjacent to Forest Park.
Stan Weiselberg
November 10,2002
This site is a wonderful trip down memory lane for me. My parents were fortunate enough to get certificates to America in 1938. The family maintained an apartment in 119-37 Metropolitan Avenue (Kew Gables) from 1938 to 1968. I was born in the Kew Gardens General Hospital in 1945 and still have my original birth certificate with a picture of the Hospital on it. As such I grew up in the warmth of the German-Jewish community and I realize that I have benefited from this bi-lingual, bi-cultural experience.
I remember the different seasons in Kew Gardens: the sound of the crackling autumn leaves underfoot and the beautiful foliage of the chestnut, maple and oak trees; the cold of winter, the crunching sound of walking on snow and the bare trees; spring with its rainy days and green buds on trees and the hot, humid summers.
The park was a welcome playground for us apartment dwellers. In winter, I remember sled riding down the back of the park. (Probably the last remaining rock outcrop from the Ice Age in Kew Gardens.) In spring, rolling down the hill bordering Park Lane South and picking buttercups. There was a steep increment down to the street and that had to be negotiated in order to get ice cream from the Good Humor man. Roller skating was replaced by tennis rackets and I played squash during my Junior High School years.
I remember certain foods from back then. My family patronized the few German-Jewish establishments such as the butcher on Metropolitan Avenue for wursts, Siedner’s bakery on Lefferts Blvd for marzipan stollen and later the Kew Gardens Pastry Shop for fruit pies, Mr. Steiner’s Chocolate Shop on Lefferts Blvd (he made the chocolates in the back room) and later Mimi’s Chocolate Shop.
You are doing wonderful work on the tragic Kitty Genovese murder case. Please keep it up.
Elly Feist Parran
November 8, 2002
Your analysis of the Kitty Genovese case [click here and here.] convinces me that there was little evidence available to the witnesses to properly evaluate the situation. Unfortunately, had they realized what was happening, and more of them called the Police, the outcome would not have changed. The police mechanism designed to respond such situations in 1964 was poorly designed. This was not a secret before March 1964.
However, what we call "public apathy" is really not a moral issue, it's a psychological one. It really is about people becoming inured to the constant noise, bustle and disruptions of the City environment. As in 1964, we hear constant alarms, people screaming and other disruptions coming from the "street." And now as then, there is no way--without clear, incontrovertible evidence--to discriminate between what is serious and what is not; and what requires our response.
November 7, 2002
Your site is a terrific asset for Kew Gardens' residents and alumni. I can't imagine how you've contrived the energy and time to assemble all the data and photos and then present them in such a clear and rational manner (e.g., the chapter on Kitty Genovese; although maybe the title in the index should say "Kitty Genovese: What Really Happened").
Murray Berger.
November 4, 2002
I just found your site and I was amazed to find not only great historical pictures, but my current home from years ago! I have long wondered what it had looked like before it was "modernized." Thanks!
Terence Dollard
November 1, 2002
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