Picture of Kew Gardens Hoffman Junior Bowling League
Left to Right
3rd Row Standing:
?, ?, Lenny Strickland, ?, ?, Mike Silverstein. Steve Smith, ?, ?, ?, ?
2nd Row :
? , Roger Levitz, ? , Frank Spottke, Kurt Rossner, Barry Tobias, ? Jack Carlson |
lst Row Kneeling: |
? , Gerald Stone, Alan (Cookie) Lerner, Larry Berensen, Yours Truly, Marty Gersten, Mike Whelan, ? |
There were 10 four man teams - several guys didn't show for the awards banquet and picture taking.
I think the league was sponsored by Hoffman Beverage Company. [Photograph and comments courtesy of Marty Marks a.k.a. Dr. Footsie.]